Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Class Minutes: Tuesday, April 20th

Today in class we examined poetry about loss. The transition between line breaks (which we discussed on Friday last week)as a focus and loss was the poem, "We Real Cool," by Gwendylyn Brooks. I showed a video about a 20 year old guy who selected the poem as his favourite as it helped him get through the suicides and overdoses of a number of his friends. We read a column on loss that suggested 4 strategies to avoid sentimentality:
1. Use the 3rd person
2. Create a persona
3. Follow a form
4. Don't use vocabulary commonly associated with loss

Then, students wrote a poem on loss. It could have been the loss of: a loved one, a relationship, innocence, keys, your mind, a shoe, etc.

Don't forget to come to the Slam on Wednesday night at the Poirer Branch of the Coquitlam Library from 7-9pm to support Hayleigh, Jordan, Tyler and Tomasz! Good luck you guys.

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