Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Class Mintues: Wednesday, April 28th

We presented our monologues. Then, we selected a children's storybook to read and identify the 5 elements of a script and the 3 structural components (beginning, middle, end). Then, we wrote alternate endings for the story. Remaining time was used to work on Puppet theater scripts (due. Tues.), catch up on late work, or reply to the prompt on the Smartboard: "Write the dialogue between two liars OR pretend you met a talking animal-write the dialogue."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Class Minutes: Monday, April 26th

Monologues are due Wed. Today, we worked in partners on a puppet show script. In lieu of Earth Day last week, we went to the library to research environmental crisis effecting our animal/puppet. Due Tues. May 4th. Congrats to Jessica for getting published in Youthink. Remember to make your submissions for Carney Writer in Residence and/or Poet Laureate!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Class Minutes: Thursday, April 22nd

Congratulations to Tyler Williamson, Hayleigh Chafe, and Tomasz Sosnowski who competed in the Coquitlam Public Library Teen Poetry Slam last night. Tyler won first prize and Hayleigh placed second. Way to go!

In class, we started our scriptwriting unit with a monologue assignment. Select an object for which you have some attachment. Introduce a conflict and end with a solution (it doesn't have to be happy). Use the monologue template during your writing process. They will be presented next Wednesday.

Grade 11s: See Moodle for notes and assignments since you were away on retreat.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Memories, Michelle Liao

Knowing Me, Hayleigh Chafe

Pheonix, Arlyn Jordan

Class Minutes: Tuesday, April 20th

Today in class we examined poetry about loss. The transition between line breaks (which we discussed on Friday last week)as a focus and loss was the poem, "We Real Cool," by Gwendylyn Brooks. I showed a video about a 20 year old guy who selected the poem as his favourite as it helped him get through the suicides and overdoses of a number of his friends. We read a column on loss that suggested 4 strategies to avoid sentimentality:
1. Use the 3rd person
2. Create a persona
3. Follow a form
4. Don't use vocabulary commonly associated with loss

Then, students wrote a poem on loss. It could have been the loss of: a loved one, a relationship, innocence, keys, your mind, a shoe, etc.

Don't forget to come to the Slam on Wednesday night at the Poirer Branch of the Coquitlam Library from 7-9pm to support Hayleigh, Jordan, Tyler and Tomasz! Good luck you guys.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Class Minutes: Wednesday, April 14th

Students took their ghazal drafts home to revise against a criteria checklist; they are due next class. Then, names were randomly drawn from a box to determine the order of poetry slam presentations. Presentations were excellent and hopefully some of you will enter the Teen Poetry Slam at the Coquitlam Public Library next week- Wed. the 21st from 7-9pm. If you don't want to be in the contest, but want to try open mic you can do that too. Check out the website for info:
We'll continue our slam on Friday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Class Mintues: Monday, April 12th

Last class Mrs. Wall was away. Students worked on their poetry slam performance poem. We read some notes on the performance poetry genre first.

Today, we warmed up with poetry inspired by children's poems. Then, we learned about a poetic form called the ghazal. It is Arabic in origin with a very strict structure. The couplets, which comprise the poem, jump from one image to the next. Students borrowed random items off the front table as a source of inspiration for their images. The ghazals are due on Wednesday along with a ready to recite slam poem.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Class Minutes: Tuesday, April 6th

Portfolio interviews continued. Warm-up write was a persuasion poem. Journal subject for next week's check is "analyze." Teen poetry slam at Coquitlam Public Library (April 21st) is accepting applications for the contest.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Class Minutes: Wednesday, March 31st

Portfolio interviews continuted after our fortune cookie warm-up. Everyone was given a fortune cookie to enjoyl, but the fortune had to included in a narrative or poem. Happy Easter